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King Me! 2 Samuel 11:2-15

The Air Force says, "tough mindedness, tireless motivation, an unceasing vigilance, a willingness to sacrifice one’s life for the country, if necessary."

The Marines says "Honor, courage and commitment are what we live by."

The Navy Seal says "I voluntarily accept the inherent hazards of my profession, placing the welfare and security of others before my own. I serve with honor on and off the battlefield."

The Army says, "I will always place the mission first."

In the hopes of understanding my call for my blog entitled “Warrior of Women”, for the better part of the last few months, I have been studying warriors. Army, Air Force, Marines, Navy, and samurai’s alike, all have a few things in common. They all live by a code. This code allows them to not just survive during times of battles, but also during times away from the fight. Such vows allow a warrior to stay on course.

From Genesis to Revelation, there are very few of those men. However, one such warrior stood out to me during my time of devotion. Uriah the Hittite! Uriah was one a David’s mighty men. He was called in from the battlefield in an attempt to unknowingly coverup a pregnancy. Tried as he did, David gave Uriah many reasons to leave the comfortable palace life, however, Uriah declined them all. All drinks, any sexual pleasure with his wife, and a soft bed to lay in while away from the heated battlefield, Uriah declined them all. It was not that he did not love his wife, it was that the mission came first. It was not that he did not want a soft place to lay, it was that the mission came first. It was not that Uriah did not want a reprieve of what life had been, it was that the mission came first. And for Uriah, protecting the ark of the covenant was his mission. And his mission became his heart, and his heart became his mission.

In order for Uriah to arrive at this juncture, he had to have spent time with King David; because David’s mission became Uriah’s mission. The heart that David had for his king, Uriah had for his king. What am I trying to say?

Here it is, in order for Uriah’s mission to become such a part of him that he lived it, he had to have spent time with his king. Uriah took the time to hear the king. Listen to the heart of the king. Embody the values of the king. Uriah lived a mission centered life, so much so, that it cost him dearly. Though King David had ill plans for Uriah, I know a King that has greater in mind for you and for me. I know a King that has already thwarted every evil plan of the enemy. I know a King that loves me. I know a King that desires to make His mission my mission and has a mission in mind for you. I know a king that sits high and looks low. I know a king that wipes every tear. I know a king that heals every manner of illness. I know a king that heals broken hearts! I know a king that is king of all kings! This king has the greatest desire to love and care for you like no other in your life. Try him this day! All you have to say is KING ME!

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